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Aug. 11, 2014
 Town of Princeton, Mass. -- BOARD OF SELECTMEN -- Aug. 11, 2014

6:00 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman, Neil Sulmasy, Stan Moss, Edith Morgan, Town Administrator John Lebeaux and Adm. Asst. Marie Auger.

New Business

Larry Greene, Sr.—followed by Mickey Splaine—were in for Road Advisory Committee to discuss Route 140 improvement project from East Princeton north to Fitchburg Road fork—a stretch of 8,000’. Town is applying for the state’s Small Town Rural Assistance Program (STRAP), which is designed to fund transportation infrastructure projects that improve public safety and enhance economic development in municipalities with a population of 7,000 or less—part of the MassWorks Infrastructure Program. The application is due by end of August and Princeton is requesting the maximum amount of $1 million. Larry explained how the project met eligibility requirements. There are 6,500 vehicle trips per day through E.P. in non-ski season, but when ski area is operating, 450,000 skiers annually are increasing local roadway usage, and 45 percent of them come in via Route 140 from the south. Plus, the newly opened Great Wolf Lodge on Route 31 in Fitchburg and the MBTA commuter rail Wachusett Station in the 231 Industrial Park—opening in a year or two—are expected to bring more traffic up Route 140 from E.P. He then sited safety issues. Route 140 serves as a designated Primary Evacuation Route in the 2013 Central Region Evacuation Plan. The current travelled way averages 11’ for each lane, but there are no shoulders or pull-out areas, and steep bankings abut the pavement edge in many places, plus railings, utility poles and large trees line the road’s edge. He said 50 percent of accidents involve vehicles hitting trees and poles. The improvement plan would create a 4’ shoulder edging an 11’ travel lane on each side along with culvert upgrades. He showed photos of cars trying to avoid a bicycle rider and the roadside crowded with trees and slopes. The total cost estimate is $1.7 million, so if the grant is approved the town would have to provide the balance. Larry said they would reapply next year if it didn’t fly this year, and they will know by the fall and be ready to start work next spring. They haven’t talked to PMLD yet about moving poles.
        The board then voted all in favor to have the chairman sign letters to MassWorks for certification and in support of the project, and they thanked the Road Advisory Committee for their hours of work on the project.

The selectmen considered  ‘Pain In The Mass’ bicycle tour request for Saturday, Sept. 20 rolling through town, in and out to Barre, sometime between 8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. The board voted all in favor to approve the road use subject to meeting any requirements or conditions of the police and fire departments.

They also acted on a request from First Congregational Church for use of Town Common for “Town-wide Yard Sale” September 27 and voted all in favor to allow use of town common on Sept. 27 or rain dates of Sept. 28 or Oct. 4.

The board had received a crosswalk request from Brenda Rotti, secretary for Wachusett House, who suggested lines on Boylston Ave to cross from Wachusett House over to Princeton Center Building and the Senior Center. The crosswalk would be painted within the driveway curb cut of Roger Vaughn at 12 Boylston Ave. who has offered his approval and support for the project. The board voted all in favor to approve the Highway Dept. painting in a new crosswalk.

6:35 PM  The selectmen received two applicants willing to serve as the alternate member for ZBA, Larry Greene Jr., 106 Thompson Road and Sue Mitchell, 194 Ball Hill Road. Edith nominated Mr. Greene because he had more experience with land-use issues. They voted all in favor to appoint Mr. Greene to a term to expire June 30, 2014..

The board went over a WRSD memo offering a “heads up” regarding the end of their 20-year school lease agreement. The school committee was meeting concurrently so the BOS will wait for news on any actions from their meeting. Relating to schools, Neil S. announced that T.P. School is fully enrolled and they owe its popularity to new families in town as well as school choice and the STEAM program.

Old Business

6:45 PM  It was announced that the Cemetery Commission has recently interviewed candidates for the cemetery superintendent position and a recommendation was expected.

Other Business

As an action carried over from the last meeting, Selectmen received a slate of 23 election officers from the town clerk and they voted all in favor to appoint all on the list as presented.

John L. updated selectmen about funding from MSBA (Mass. School Building Authority).

Stan M. announced the “Revolution of 1774 in Worcester County” which is a group organizing a historical re-enactment and they are requesting Princeton representatives, as 64 Princeton citizens originally participated in the Revolution of 1774 that preceded Concord.

Stan also reported that John Kowaleski had badly injured his knee and asked the BOS to send their support, and set up a phone on speaker so he could attend Broadband Committee meetings remotely. This action requires a vote of the BOS to allow remote participation at a public meeting, and the board voted all in favor to entertain the request for the future and took it under advisement.

Selectmen asked that Fire Chief Bennett be on the agenda for the next meeting to discuss his contract which is up for renewal in December.

Warrants and Minutes

7:15 PM  The board Review and signed vendor and payroll warrants: FY15 #3.
They voted all in favor to approve regular meeting minutes for July 28.
7:20 PM  The Board voted all in favor to adjourn

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant
Referenced Documents:   MassWorks certification letter; letter from WRSD on lease agreement; state primary election warrant; bike tour map and docs; photos of Route 140; letter of support for STRAP grant; request letter for town-wide yard sale; crosswalk request; list of election officers.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department